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Bunkercomplex Bookshelf

In my bunker complex under the Saskatchewan Crust, reading the days away.

Currently reading

The Circle
Dave Eggers
The Name of the Wind (Kingkiller Chronicle, #1)
Patrick Rothfuss
Progress: 224/698 pages
The Fellowship of the Ring
J.R.R. Tolkien
A Feast for Crows
George R.R. Martin
Controversial Essays
Thomas Sowell

Candyfreak: A Journey through the Chocolate Underbelly of America

Candyfreak: A Journey through the Chocolate Underbelly of America (Harvest Book) - Steve Almond Can self-loathing, guilt-ridden liberals please keep inane political commentary/whining to their respective blogs and friends and not include it in a book about the evolution of candy in America? I get it, you hate capitalism, big companies, Bush and any "yokels" who voted for him. Refrain from coming across as a petulant child (who admitted to not voting) and just write an effing book about candy. GOOD LORD.